Dalcroze Eurhythmics
At First Sight believes strongly in the connection between the body and musicianship. Many musical skills can be learned away from the instrument, through experience and kinesthetic training.
Dalcroze Eurythmics is a system of music learning created just for that very connection, by Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, in the early 20th century: “to provide the music student with a solid rhythmic foundation through movement, in order to enhance musical expression and understanding.”
According to the Dalcroze Society of America, Dalcroze education is:

In Dalcroze classes, we explore ways to put music into the body. Tossing scarves to each other in rhythm and on cue, bouncing balls in time with the music, help make rhythm real. Stepping, skipping, and marching to the style and tempo of the music; clapping, listening, call and response, passing a pattern in tempo–– these are all ways to express music through large motor skills.
Besides the learning, music games are fun, and a great break from the fine motor skills required to play an instrument. Dalcroze continues to be one of the most enjoyed offerings of At First Sight for students at all levels, and faculty as well!
Musician's Body Awareness
Playing injuries are a very real concern when playing music for hours on end, as we do at AFS, and musicians of all ages need to learn how to prepare their bodies for the demands of instrumental playing. Twice a day, we take the time to learn stretches and warm-ups specific to string playing. We also have a resident physical therapist to help answer questions about injury prevention and care of the muscular-skeletal system. At First Sight is committed to guiding students in healthy, as well as beautiful, music-making.